Lotus Senju KnnonPainting
Phoenix CloudsPainting
White Dragon WavePainting
『‘The Lotus’, Ensho-ji Temple Animal Cenotaph Design.Other
“White Dragon God, Cherry Blossoms and Waves”Celling Art
Baby UcchusamaPainting
Baby AshuraPainting
Baby BuddhaPainting
Tunnel of LovePainting
Sōmoku Kokudo Shikkai Jyōbutsu (all things have the Buddha nature)Painting
Molding 〜jealousy〜Painting
Molding 〜attachment〜Painting
“Itsutsu-no-Ooi (Five lids)”Painting
Tōryu Mon (The Gateway to Success)Painting
Water lily in Pure pondPainting
Circle ~eloquence~Painting
’Otowa Falls’ ~Jito-myo(Attadīpā)Hoto-myo(Dhammadīpā )~Painting
God of Mountain “Shichimen Tennyo (The Celestial Nymph of Mount Shichimen)”Painting
“Tsurukusa no Ami (Net of ivy)”Painting
Tenpōrin-in (Dharmachakra Mudrā) India
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