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Buddhist utensils

Painting on Bokken (Wooden Sword) “White Dragon with clouds” Turunc


We made wooden sticks and decorations using the tree of Tachibana-san Sacred tree for custom order.
It is used for dedicating, we made it with a size 1.5 times the normal size.

We made a composition in which White Dragon gets wrapped around wooden sword, but on the reverse side, there is a space left on the bottom to write ‘南無妙法蓮華経 ‘ by monk

Moreover, because it does not actually use, we used the gold leaf for the gem and the ’Shichiyomon


“White Dragon with clouds” Turunc

size:about 400×60×20㎜
collection:Mr. Inamoto/Risshokoseikai(Shimizu curch/Shizuoka)


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